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Title: Stan wiedzy i perspektywy badań historycznych w zakresie powstań i plebiscytu
Other Titles: The state of knowledge and perspectives of historical research in the field of the insurrections and the plebiscite
Wissensstand und Aussichten für weitere historische Forschungen zu den Aufständen und zum Plebiszit
Authors: Długajczyk, Edward
Keywords: Silesian Uprisings; historiography
Issue Date: 2011
Citation: "Szkice Archiwalno- Historyczne", Nr 8, 2011, s. 39-50
Abstract: In his article, a recognized researcher of the history of Upper Silesia in the years 1918–1922 has reviewed the Polish postwar historiography on the Silesian Uprisings. He did not limit himself to scientific texts but also discussed in detail polemics published in national and regional papers in the last two decades, indicating a range of arguments concerning the picture of the Silesian Uprisings wider than just historiographical.
Description: Nr specjalny: Powstania śląskie w pamięci historycznej. Uczestnicy - pomniki - rocznice / pod red. M. Fica, R. Kaczmarka.
ISSN: 1508-275X
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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