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Tytuł: Grób wojownika z okresu wpływów rzymskich z Pławniowic, st. 16, gm. Rudziniec, woj. śląskie
Autor: Abłamowicz, Dominik
Podyma, Dorota
Słowa kluczowe: grave of the Przeworsk culture; artifacts; Late Roman period; Upper Silesia
Data wydania: 2002
Źródło: Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, T. 54 (2002), s. 125-140
Abstrakt: In June 1998 the archaeologists carrying out a rescue excavation on the area of Freeway A-4 under construction obtained a number of artifacts that had been accidentally discovered on a private lot in the nearby Pławniowice (Fig. 1). They were: 1) few burnt human bone remains, 2) incompletely preserved hand-made urn? (Fig. 2: a; 6), 3) 20 pottery fragments (Fig. 2: b-d), 4) an iron sword of Type VI after M. Biborski — double-edged, with schematic image of Goddess Victoria depicted at the base of the blade originally in-crusted (Fig. 3: a, b, d), 5) two iron spurs with strongly arched asymmetric side pieces (Fig. 4: a; 5: a), 6) an iron spear head of Type XVII after P. Kaczanowski (Fig. 3: c), 7) an iron knife (Fig. 4: c), 8) a small iron knife (Fig. 4: d), 9) two scissor blades (Fig: 4: b), 10) an iron belt buckle (Fig. 2: e), 11) a fragment of an iron fixation of the belt end (Fig. 2: g); 12) corroded fragments of iron artifacts, broken and repaired, among them: —a tinder-box (Fig. 3: f); —a hinge with four bolts (Fig. 2: f) —remains of a possible groove-shaped shield edge, 13) a bar-shaped whetstone of fine-grain sandstone with visible vestiges of melted glaze. Character of artifacts and clear marks of fire on bone and other objects indicate that they come from a cremation (urn?) grave of the Przeworsk culture. The most probable chronology of the assemblage is the early phase of the Late Roman period — Cla - Clb. A unique element of the grave furniture is the sword with presentation of Goddess Victoria. It is the first artifact of that type discovered in Upper Silesia, probably manufactured in a Roman or Provincial-Roman work-shop.
ISSN: 0081-3834
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (WNP)

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