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Tytuł: Silesian harm and Upper Silesian awakening
Autor: Muś, Anna
Słowa kluczowe: Upper Silesians; Silesian harm; Silesian injustice; ethnoregionalist movement; collective memory; ethnopolitics
Data wydania: 2020
Źródło: "The Border and Regional Studies" Vol. 8, No 4 (2020), s. 141-160
Abstrakt: The first part of the paper introduces the definition of the term Silesian harm and describes ways in which it can be observed among Upper Silesians. Further, the author elaborates on how the phenomenon emerged during the interwar period and how it was strengthened during and after the World War II, which led to exacerbation of national and ethnic conflicts in Upper Silesia. One of the effects of the World War II, was the invasion of the Red Army on Silesian lands and a wave of hatred, which led to the tragedy of the civilian population, referred to today as the Upper Silesian Tragedy. In the end, mechanisms of strengthening and consolidation of the sense of harm and abuse among the population of Upper Silesia are studied. The role of the Silesian harm in the process called ‚the Upper Silesian awakening’ has been scarcely studied in scholarly literature before, but its evolution indicates that the role it plays among the indigenous population of Upper Silesia has changed. Silesian harm is no longer seen as a stigma, but it has become a motivation for social and political action and participation.
DOI: 10.25167/brs2126
ISSN: 2719-6577
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (WNS)

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