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Title: Kilka uwag w kwestii identyfikacji i leczenia chorób owiec w starożytnym Rzymie
Other Titles: Some remarks on the identification and treatment of sheep diseases in ancient Rome
Authors: Bartnik, Agnieszka
Keywords: ancient veterinary; sheep; diseases; scabies; lung disease
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: "Studia Historyczne" 2018, z. 2, s. 5-20
Abstract: Ancient vets were giving much attention to sheep diseases. By analysing the records of ancient authors, it is possible to identify diseases attacking herds the most frequently. The greatest problem was scabies, which caused huge financial losses. Diseases referred to as pustula, ostigo and lameness, as well as sto-mach and lung diseases used to be diagnosed in those days as well. Different kinds of physical injuries were also common. Breeders and vets used to apply specialist treatments; however, most of them were ineffective. The greatest successes were achieved in the case of mechanical injuries and scabies.
DOI: 10.12797/SH.61.2018.02.01
ISSN: 0025-1429
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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