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Title: Structure, assembly and function of cuticle from mechanical perspective with special focus on perianth
Authors: Skrzydeł, Joanna
Borowska-Wykręt, Dorota
Kwiatkowska, Dorota
Keywords: cuticle; perianth; petal; sepal; cuticle mechanics; cuticle folding
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: "International Journal of Molecular Sciences" 2021, iss. 8, art. no. 4160
Abstract: This review is devoted to the structure, assembly and function of cuticle. The topics are discussed from the mechanical perspective and whenever the data are available a special attention is paid to the cuticle of perianth organs, i.e., sepals, petals or tepals. The cuticle covering these organs is special in both its structure and function and some of these peculiarities are related to the cuticle mechanics. In particular, strengthening of the perianth surface is often provided by a folded cuticle that functionally resembles profiled plates, while on the surface of the petal epidermis of some plants, the cuticle is the only integral continuous layer. The perianth cuticle is distinguished also by those aspects of its mechanics and development that need further studies. In particular, more investigations are needed to explain the formation and maintenance of cuticle folding, which is typical for the perianth epidermis, and also to elucidate the mechanical properties and behavior of the perianth cuticle in situ. Gaps in our knowledge are partly due to technical problems caused by very small thicknesses of the perianth cuticle but modern tools may help to overcome these obstacles.
DOI: 10.3390/ijms22084160
ISSN: 1422-0067
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WNP)

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