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Title: Co w Polsce wiemy o blokadzie Leningradu?
Authors: Pawletko, Beata
Keywords: the siege of Leningrad; humanitarian catastrophe; Sergey Yarov; microhistory; (post)-memory
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: "Narracje O Zagładzie" Nr 1 (2021), s. 80-94
Abstract: This article presents a broad commentary on the translation of parts of the book The Ethics of the Siege of Leningrad: The Concept of Morality in Leningrad in 1941–1942 [Блокадная этика: представление о морали в Ленинграде в 1941–1942 гг.] by Sergey Yarov. The author shows how representations of the siege have changed in post-war Russia, especially since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Against this background, the author discusses Polish publications on this subject.
DOI: 10.31261/NoZ.2021.07.05
ISSN: 2450-4424
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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