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Title: Próba definicji prawdy w Biblii hebrajskiej na podstawie jej przeciwieństw
Authors: Wójcik, Andrzej
Keywords: prawda; definicja prawdy; biblistyka; biblia hebrajska; język hebrajski
Issue Date: 2000
Citation: "Śląskie Studia Historyczno- Teologiczne", (2000), T. 33, s. 104-126
Abstract: The aim of this article is an attempt to explain how the concepts of truth, true, truly are understood in the Hebrew Bible. The definitions of these concepts are constructed through careful analysis of the meaning of 23 Hebrew terms which are used in a given Hebrew Bible verse as their opposition. To ensure we do not go beyond the limits of Biblical understanding of these oppositions, their meaning was taken solely from the context of their usages in the Hebrew Bible. Having constructed the meanings of those terms in a such way, the concepts of truth, true, truly were defined as their opposition. The methodological approach which lays behind this construction is that the idea of truth could be established by negation of the idea of false. In the last section which systematizes and summarizes my research: 1) ten definitions of truth, true, truly are given; 2) the logical, ontological, epistomological, axiological and moral aspects of truth are recognized; 3) the proportion of appearances of those aspects are calculated; and 4) the relationships between presented definitions are stated. A short discussion of how the achieved results fit into what has been already discovered by scholars closes this section. The index of all 23 Hebrew terms in question with their vocalizations, original Hebrew writing, frequency count and their codes in the leading Concordances are given in the list of references.
ISSN: 0137-3447
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WSiNoE)

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