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Tytuł: Friction and wear of oxide scale obtained on pure titanium after high-temperature oxidation
Autor: Aniołek, Krzysztof
Barylski, Adrian
Kupka, Marian
Słowa kluczowe: friction; wear; high-temperature oxidation; oxide scale; titanium
Data wydania: 2021
Źródło: "Materials" 2021, iss. 13, art. no. 3764
Abstrakt: High-temperature oxidation was performed at temperatures from 600 to 750 oC over a period of 24 h and 72 h. It was shown in the study that the oxide scale became more homogeneous and covered the entire surface as the oxidation temperature increased. After oxidation over a period of 24 h, the hardness of the produced layers increased as the oxidation temperature increased (from 892.4 to 1146.6 kgf/mm2). During oxidation in a longer time variant (72 h), layers with a higher hardness were obtained (1260 kgf/mm2). Studies on friction and wear characteristics of titanium were conducted using couples with ceramic balls (Al2O3, ZrO2) and with high-carbon steel (100Cr6) balls. The oxide films produced at a temperature range of 600–750 oC led to a reduction of the wear ratio value, with the lowest one obtained in tests with the 100Cr6 steel balls. Frictional contact of Al2O3 balls with an oxidized titanium disc resulted in a reduction of the wear ratio, but only for the oxide scales produced at 600 oC (24 h, 72 h) and 650 oC (24 h). For the ZrO2 balls, an increase in the wear ratio was observed, especially when interacting with the oxide films obtained after high-temperature oxidation at 650 oC or higher temperatures. The increase in wear intensity after titanium oxidation was also observed for the 100Cr6 steel balls.
DOI: 10.3390/ma14133764
ISSN: 1996-1944
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (WNŚiT)

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