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Tytuł: Oblicza współczesnej propagandy : przypadek chińsko-tajwańskiej wojny informacyjnej
Autor: Rajczyk, Robert
Słowa kluczowe: contemporary propaganda; Chinese-Taiwan information war
Data wydania: 2019
Wydawca: Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstrakt: The book „Contemporary propaganda. The case of the Chinese-Taiwan information war” depicts the oldest propaganda conflict in the world. The first three chapters of the monograph relate to the theory of propaganda in international communication. The next ones review the role of mass as well as social media in creating contemporary propaganda narratives. In the fourth chapter, Taiwan’s propaganda activities are analyzed, taking into account the specific situation of this non-recognized state. The last chapter consists of the analysis of the propaganda activities of the People’s Republic of China in relation to the Taiwanese issue. The research on the narratives and propaganda actions of both countries presents their strategic goals, directions, and adapted methods and techniques. The particular attention was focused on the role of traditional media as well as on the new media. The analysis shows that while the propaganda strategies and actions of both countries are determined by the changing political and economic conditions of both entities, they are also mutually dependent. The Taiwan’s propaganda aim is to create its own image as the „only one Chinese democracy” and to develop favourable economic and cultural relations. On the other hand, continental China promotes the idea of one China (one China policy), and the propaganda activities are focused on strengthening the country’s political and economic position in the world. The future of Taiwanese propaganda will be shaped primarily on the basis of new media focused on the important role of the e-image of the state and the intensive protection of its own information sphere. The future of Chinese propaganda will be related to the development of the international broadcasting of information programmes by the state-financed television stations having a global reach, and the expansion of state-supported Chinese private capital to dominate ownership in media organizations that operate in the media markets within the areas of the political and economic interests of the People’s Republic of China.
ISBN: 978‑83‑226‑3695- 4
978‑83‑226‑3696- 1
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Książki/rozdziały (WNS)

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