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Title: O popularnych, lecz dyskusyjnych ćwiczeniach języka w przypadku obwodowych zaburzeń artykulacji
Authors: Pluta-Wojciechowska, Danuta
Sambor, Barbara
Keywords: peripheral articulatory speech disorders; primary functions; oral motor exercises; physiology of articulation
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Logopedia, T. 47, nr 1 (2018) s. 267-278
Abstract: The authors present the physiology of the articulation of selected sounds in the Polish language. They also revise the usefulness of popular tongue exercises (e.g. teeth counting, “cat’s back”, tongue rolling, touching the nose with the tip of the tongue, and pushing the cheeks) from the perspective of articulation therapy. The article also introduces and organizes information concerning primary and secondary tongue movements, as well as basic facts about tongue anatomy and physiology.
ISSN: 0459-6935
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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