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Title: O różnych typach skróconych wędzidełek języka, ich ocenie i interpretacji wyników badań w logopedii
Authors: Pluta-Wojciechowska, Danuta
Sambor, Barbara
Keywords: ankyloglossia; “tongue-tie”; articulation impairment in patients with ankyloglossia; typology of shortened lingual frenulums
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Logopedia, T. 45, (2016) s. 123-155
Abstract: The authors present some transformation of logopeadic thinking about ankyloglossia – concerning the methods of lingual frenulum examination, treatment in case of its shortening as well as different opinions expressed by speech therapists in Poland. A suggestion of a new typology of abnormal lingual frenulums, which is complementary for Ostapiuk’s test, has been presented. The authors also point further problems with ankyloglossia phenomenon, which according to them should be resolved.
ISSN: 0459-6935
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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