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Title: Wschodząca dorosłość a prospołeczność (działanie społeczne) – teoretyczne i empiryczne wyznaczniki postaw życiowych młodego pokolenia
Other Titles: Emerging adulthood and prosocial behavior (social action) – theoretical and empirical determinants of life attitudes of the young generation
Authors: Wysocka, Ewa
Keywords: youth; young generation; emerging adulthood; postmodern personality; attitudes of life; attachment styles
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: "Przegląd Pedagogiczny", 2018, nr 2, s. 151-169
Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the phenomena determining the way a young generation functions in the contemporary world. The present author focuses predominantly on the environment shaped by transformational cultural changes and global crisis phenomena (which is determined by characteristic features of the post-modernity phenomenon). The author makes an attempt at presenting the contemporary world in which a young generation lives, the worldviewed as the trigger for changes in the functioning of young people. From this perspective the basic factors determining the developmental problems and threats to the social functioning of young generation have been presented. The characteristics of the young generation focused on to two basic assumptions regarding: (1) forming/development of postmodern personality and a new phase of development which is emerging adulthood and (2) failure of pro-social attitudes in human relations. The problems that young people face are analyzed in developmental and social contexts (a doubly inhospitable world). The analysis of the research results confirmed the connection between postmodern personality traits (emerging adulthood in terms of J.J. Arnett) and attitudes of life – attachment styles among young people (in terms of E. Berne, K. Bartholomew and L. M. Horowitz).
ISSN: 1897-6557
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WNS)

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