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Title: Mineralogical, Geochemical, and Rock Mechanic Characteristics of Zeolite- Bearing Rocks of the Hatrurim Basin, Israel
Authors: Kruszewski, Kruszewski
Palchik, Vyacheslav
Vapnik, Yevgeny
Nowak, Katarzyna
Banasik, Kamila
Galuskina, Irina
Keywords: natural analogs; Hatrurim Complex; pyrometamorphism; hornfels; ultra-alkaline fluid; rock mechanics; zeolite-bearing rocks
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: "Minerals", Vol. 11, iss. 10, 2021, art. no. 1062, s. 1-20
Abstract: The Hatrurim Basin, Israel, is located on the western border of the Dead Sea Transform. This is one of the localities of a unique pyrometamorphic complex whose genesis remains problematic. This paper deals with zeolite-bearing rock that is known in the Hatrurim Basin only. The strata subjected to zeolitization is called the “olive unit” and consists of anorthite–pyroxene (diopside–esseneite) hornfels. Zeolitization occurred in an alkaline environment provided by the interaction of meteoric water with Portland-cement-like rocks of the Hatrurim Complex. The resulting zeolite-bearing rocks contain 20–30% zeolitic material. The main zeolitic minerals are calcic: thomsonite-Ca Sr, phillipsite-Ca, gismondine-Ca, and clinoptilolite-Ca. The remainder is calcite, diopsidic pyroxene, garnets (either Ti-andradite and/or hydrogrossular), and less frequently, fluorapatite, opal, and others. Their major mineralogical and chemical compositions resemble carbonated zeolite-blended Portland mortar. Rocks show different values of porosity. Their mechanical characteristics are much better for samples with porosity values below 24%. The related parameters are like those of blended concretes. The minimal age of zeolitization is 5 Ka. The natural zeolite-bearing rocks are resistant to weathering in the Levant desert climate.
DOI: 10.3390/min11101062
ISSN: 2075-163X
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WNP)

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