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Title: Edukacja uniwersytecka na Pograniczu - jako przestrzeń kształtowania się projektu życiowego młodych dorosłych
Authors: Suchodolska, Jolanta
Keywords: young adults; university education; life project; Polish-Czech borderland; młodzi dorośli; studenci; edukacja uniwersytecka; projekt życiowy; pogranicze polsko-czeskie; students
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: "Edukacja Międzykulturowa" (2021), Nr 15, s. 238-255
Abstract: The study is an attempt at finding out the place of university education in the process of building a life project by young adults – students from Cieszyn in the Polish-Czech borderland. An important motif is undertaken here of young adults’ attitude to education, understood not only as the process of increasing their level of education, but mostly as raising their life competences and satisfaction with their life. One of the tangible effects of this process should be more conscious decision making and taking responsibility for oneself – for one’s life and choices. The group which can be most directly affected by this are university students, who are referred to in this study as “young adults”. They face a chance to acquire new skills in viewing the world and their place in it, which should grow along with the chance to notice and multiply their own resources in order to secure their future. The young adults studying at university in the Polish-Czech borderland constitute a group for whom this educational stage is a pass to adulthood and the events taking place in that stage co-create the quality of their life. These young adults are aware of the need to keep a high status of their knowledge and competences through profiled lifelong education, which is favourable for the evaluation of their life both as compliant with the developmental task for this period and as satisfying at this stage.
DOI: 10.15804/em.2021.02.13
ISSN: 2299-4106
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WSiNoE)

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