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Title: Ispol'zovanie nacional'nogo korpusa russkogo âzyka v obučenii postanovki udareniâ dlâ studentov-rusistov
Other Titles: Использование национального корпуса русского языка в обучении постановки ударения для студентов-русистов
The use of corpus data from Russian national corpus in teaching the rules of stress in Russian to Polish students
Wykorzystanie narodowego korpusu języka rosyjskiego w nauczaniu zasad akcentuacji studentów-rusycystów
Authors: Woch, Joanna
Keywords: word stress; Russian language; text corpus data; DDL; Russian as a foreign language
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: "Roczniki Humanistyczne", T. 69, z. 10, 2021, s. 189-204
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to discuss the teaching of the rules of stress in Russian to Polish students using grammatical and DDL (Data-Driven Learning) methods. The proposed combination of the two methods is focussed on developing the habit of conscious accentuation based on structured rules and regularities among the students. These rules should be based, inter alia, on the morphemic structure of words and word-formation patterns. The DDL method involves the usage of corpus data in foreign language teaching and is built on problem-based learning. Spoken corpus data serve as illustrative material, and are also the basis for studies carried out by students who, under the supervision of their teacher, independently formulate regularities and stress patterns. The principle of direct language input is excluded from the teaching process. Attached to the paper are exercises that are based on the proposed method and which can be used in class.
DOI: 10.18290/rh216910-12
ISSN: 0035-7707
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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