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Title: La concettualizzazione del verbo ‘mettere’ in italiano
Other Titles: The Conceptualization of the verb ‘mettere’ (‘to put’) in Italian
Authors: Paliczuk, Aleksandra
Keywords: Linguistica Cognitiva; l’immaginare; l’immagine linguistica del mondo; il profilo; ‘mettere’
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: "Neophilologica", T. 33, 2021, s. 1-27
Abstract: The conceptualization of space is manifested in language through diverse linguistic structures. Space, one of the most significant analytical categories not only in linguistics, introduces a variety of senses and conceptual relations in the construction of communicative meaning. While there are several approaches to linguistic studies, the most obvious choice for this type of analysis seems to be Cognitive Linguistics, with some of its theoretical currents and the Cognitive Grammar of Ronald W. Langacker (1987, 1991a, 1991b, 1995, 2008) in particular. In his works, Langacker often refers to spatial and visual relationships that provide useful illustrations to depict different conceptual structures and relationships. Indeed, the relations between visual perception and conceptualization concerns numerous aspects of the semantics of natural language (E. Tabakowska, 1999: 59). The paper aims to analyse the concept of the Italian verb ‘mettere’ (‘to put’), apparently simple and yet, as it will be shown, rich and varied in meaning.
DOI: 10.31261/NEO.2021.33.02
ISSN: 0208-5550
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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