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Title: Regesty zaginionych dokumentów Bolka IV i Bolka V, książąt opolskich
Other Titles: Registers of Lost Documents of Bolko IV and Bolko V, Dukes of Opole
Regesten der verlorenen Urkunden der Herzöge von Oppeln, Bolko IV. und Bolko V.
Authors: Woźny, Maciej
Keywords: Silesia; urbarium; copier; land book; inventory; Josef Pilnáček
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: "Średniowiecze Polskie i Powszechne", T. 13, 2021, s. 82-100
Abstract: In his article, Maciej Woźny presents the registers of seventeen lost diplomas of the Dukes of Opole: Bolko IV and his son Bolko V. Information about these sources comes from urbaria, copiers, land books, and inventories. Particularly important is the information from the inventory in the private archive of Count Wilhelm August Pückler in Szydłów Śląski, for this source has not been used by researchers before. This edition of the sources has been prepared according to the rules adopted by the authors of Regesty dokumentów przechowywanych na Górnym Śląsku [The Registers of Documents Stored in Upper Silesia]. Maciej Woźny explains in detail where a given diploma is known from and where it was stored.
DOI: 10.31261/SPiP.2021.17.05
ISSN: 2080-492X
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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