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Title: Tożsamość w świecie na rozdrożu
Authors: Szczepański, Marek S.
Śliz, Anna
Keywords: utożsamianie się; tożsamość społeczna
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Citation: G. Libor, J. Wódz (red.), "Niedokończone tożsamości społeczne : szkice socjologiczne" (S. 79-96). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstract: Identity is an awareness of oneself — that is, the result of an entanglement of a social player in a network of diverse relations that in a process of interaction shape a man along with the biological dimension. Owing to this fact, an individual is a continuum of his or her own experience, as well as an unrepeatable one, or a subjectively constructed configuration of values, historical facts, and cultural patters. Identity forms itself through discourse, and the modern world keeps redefining it with regards to the pluralism of cultural worlds in which a man is entangled. The impermanence of the world demands constant modifications of identity, which is not a given construct once and for all, but is in the process of becoming in a certain time and space. Individual identity refers us to the social one, although it is not easily reduced to my self, but rather refers to experiencing and familiarizing tradition, the present time, as well as defining the future, which is common to a group. Social identity serves to confirm individual identity in its actual shape. The liquidity of the twenty-first century world reconstructs social structures and modern identities, which broke stable human relationships, as well as vertical and horizontal belonging to a place. The modern world, which glorifies individualism and collectivism, has created a way of shaping identity as a form of obligation. A modern man is the one who is shaping his or hr own identity in a culturally varied environment, and in opposition to identity that was formed in relation to a place as well as national character of social and cultural structures.
ISBN: 9788380124615
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (WNS)

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