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dc.contributor.authorKoziołek, Ryszard-
dc.contributor.authorJędrzejko, Paweł-
dc.identifier.citationM. Kompała (red.), "Jordi Savall: Doctor Honoris Causa Universitatis Silesiensis" (S. 13-17). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiegopl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe Honoris Causa Doctorate bestowed today upon Maestro Jordi Savall by the University of Silesia in Katowice is not only a testimony to our academic community’s admiration for a preeminent artist, but also an expression of the highest esteem, in which we all hold a great humanist: the man who transformed the study and performance of early music into a platform of peaceful rapprochement and mutual fascination, creating a space where artists and music lovers of many cultures and nations meet sharing the spirit of compassion. In the world scarred by historical rifts – and splitting further, time and time again – Jordi Savall carries out his tireless work of transgressing historical and political boundaries to offer us a meeting of minds in the only universal language ever invented by man: the language of music(...).pl_PL
dc.publisherKatowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiegopl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Na tych samych warunkach 3.0 Polska*
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Na tych samych warunkach 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjectJordi Savallpl_PL
dc.subjectdoctor honoris causapl_PL
dc.titleWanderer, Interpreter, Guidepl_PL
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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