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DC poleWartośćJęzyk
dc.contributor.advisorSkudrzyk, Aldona-
dc.contributor.authorPiotrowska, Julia-
dc.description.abstractThe subject of the dissertation is the changes taking place in contemporary Polish, conditioned by the influence of consumer culture, the development of new media and globalization. In the last 30 years revolutionary changes may be observed in Poland in the technological, social, cultural and economic space. The term ‘consumer culture’ I used in the title is broadly construed. It comprises numerous overlapping phenomena, simultaneously and commonly occurring in Polish reality. The consumer culture is impacted inter alia by such phenomena as: development and availability of Internet and new media (and new forms of interpersonal communication involved), globalizaion, American corporate culture, growing role of marketing and management, consumption of goods (material and non-material). Since the language is a reflection of the whole social culture, it is a natural thing that technological and economic transformations have triggered new linguistic mechanisms. Their indication and analysis of the change process are the subject of the PhD thesis (...). The multifaceted analysis of the research material allowed to show whether and how social, economic and cultural changes affect the contemporary Polish language. A clear tendency was indicated at the level of meanings, conceptualization and axiology. A characteristic feature of "new expression" is drawing on traditional meanings (center), but at the same time extending them to new areas (periphery). The described changes are manifested both on the system level (structural borrowings from English; changes in the syntax connotation), and on the semantics level (phraseology, collocations, polysomes, semantic shifts, the so-called hidden borrowings from English). They are related to specific methods of conceptualising reality, in which the supreme, most desired elements are: promptness and conciseness of passing information (via new media), anecdotal knowledge, easiness of acquisition (consuming) and collecting non-material values (sucha as knowledge, time, experience, love). The conclusions lead to the fact that in the contemporary Polish language there is a clear change in the approach to intangible assets and the way of life. It is marked in a language that is present in many sources. It is also realized in certain combinations. In a completely new linguistic reality, human values and subjectivity are subject to significant modifications.pl_PL
dc.publisherKatowice : Uniwersytet Śląskipl_PL
dc.subjectmetafora pojęciowapl_PL
dc.subjectnowe mediapl_PL
dc.titleWspółczesna polszczyzna wobec kultury konsumpcjonizmupl_PL
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Rozprawy doktorskie (W.Hum.)

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