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Title: Duszpasterstwo ekumeniczne rodzin o różnej przynależności wyznaniowej pastoralnym priorytetem Kościołów i Wspólnot chrześcijańskich
Authors: Budniak, Józef
Keywords: ekumenizm; duszpasterstwo ekumeniczne; dialog; małżeństwa o różnej przynależności wyznaniowej
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Citation: A. Pastwa, M. Gwóźdź (red.), “Miłość i odpowiedzialność : wyznaczniki kanonicznego przygotowania do małżeństwa” (s. 181-203). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstract: An important issue in an ecumenical priesthood of families constitutes the followingprinciples: encouraging the congregation to pray for the unity of Christians and participationin joint services as well as other forms of the parish activity, enrichingknowledge about Churches, reminding parents of the fact that children, despite belongingto one church should be instructed on a spiritual richness of other Churches viaparticipation in ceremonies, services and its joint visits. Ecumenical priesthood understoodin such a way that, in fact, it is a form of a dialogue of faith in a family and it canserve the consolidation of spouse love being at the same time an example of an ecumenicallove and symbol of unity for a divided Church. There is a long way to go beforean ecumenical priesthood becomes a lawful part of a pastoral activity of Churches.What is needed is a constant ecumenical education, getting familiarized with the knowledgeon churches and achievements in an ecumenical dialogue. Tolerance, respect, approval,humbleness and love, as well as joint experience are the necessary values inpriesthood of families of different religious affiliations.
ISBN: 9788322621349
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (W.Teol)

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