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Title: Odpowiedzialność - rodzaje i uwarunkowania
Authors: Ruchała, Sławomira
Keywords: odpowiedzialność
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Citation: J. Gazda, S. Ruchała (red.), "Filozoficzna refleksja nad kulturą jako próba odpowiedzi na problemy współczesności" (S. 40-58). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstract: Although question of responsibility is still updated, seldom is philosophical background and its source referred to in answers. It seems that questions of responsibility and answers to them are aimed at the attempt to make contemporary man more sensitive to being responsible. Along with the question of responsibility appears the necessity of determination of its range and target, the question of responsibility to whom or what, or what for. That multitude of questions usually drifts a debate towards the multitude of varieties of responsibility (and ways of its implementation) as long as weakening its ontic background. These are not only problems to cope, considering the problem of responsibility. There remains the question of relations among particular kinds of responsibility, e.g. moral and legal or political and legal, as well as existence or non-existence of gradation of responsibility e.g. stronger — weaker, or the problem of existence of one responsibility, implementing on various levels, in a particular for each, way. The lack of resolutions of these problems drifts the debate on responsibility to on unproductive ground of ideological disputes. The purpose of the article is not suggesting solutions, but trying to analyse viewpoints of selected contemporary philosophers on responsibility. Therefore, it is the article reviewing ideas, which deal with perception of multitude of responsibility varieties and possibility of their gradation and, what seems important, showing that the tendency towards, broadening axiologically neutral sphere does not go in accordance with the feeling of necessity for attaching human acting to any kind of obligation as well as responsibility. The selection of presented viewpoints is not, considering the above, incident.
ISBN: 9788380121577
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (WSiNoE)

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