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Title: Pedagoga społecznego refleksja o polityce i polityce społecznej wobec kobiet
Authors: Górnikowska-Zwolak, Elżbieta
Keywords: pedagogika społeczna; polityka społeczna
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Citation: E. Górnikowska-Zwolak, W. Walkowska, (red.), "Dzieło Lucyny Frąckiewicz inspiracją dla współczesnej polityki społecznej" (S. 75-92). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstract: In the first part of the article there were presented ideas (formed mainly by social pedagogues) on the interdependence of social pedagogy and politics. At the same time an attempt was made to clarify the conceptual categories: the politics and the social policy. In the subsequent part of the article new contexts for the concept of policy were shown, and the following terms were explained: the emancipation politics, politics of life, sexual politics. The author makes it clear that the examination of the relationship between the sexes in political terms is fully justified. She recalls feminism as an important theory in political philosophy — revealing that the fundamental philosophical and political ideas contain sexual connotations. In the final part of the text, the author shows the areas and levels of public policy allowing realization of social policy towards women. She does this in relation to the Polish reality in recent years.
ISBN: 9788380128347
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (WSiNoE)

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