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Title: August Chełkowski (1927-1999)
Authors: Zioło, Jerzy
Keywords: August Chełkowski; dielektryki
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstract: The volume in question constitutes a short academic and political biography of professor August Chełkowski, an outstanding physicist and a figure enjoying big social trust. His academic path was connected with two universities: Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and University of Silesia in Katowice respectively. The book is clearly divided into the Poznań and Katowice period. The latter was the stage much richer in events, both academic and political ones. In Silesia Chełkowski gained the position of one of the most important opponents of the political system, especially at the time of the martial law. The very role resulted much more from his invincible ethical attitude than engagement in a political battle. The professor was the first democratically elected Rector of the University of Silesia to be still referred to as the ‘red’ one. He was also the only rector in Poland to be interned by the authorities at that time. Soon after being released, he was also dismissed from the very position. The book includes the fragments of the documents coming from the “Activist” file, founded by the security service invigilating Chełkowski. After gaining independence in 1989, he was selected a senator of the Republic of Poland. He was serving his function for four terms, till death in 1999. He was also honoured to be the speaker of the second term Senate. The Institute of Physics at the University of Silesia has been holding the name of August Chełkowski, its long-standing principal since 2000. Deservedly, he was the winner of the “Lux ex Silesia” prestigious prize. After his death, in 2009, he was also decorated with the Commander’s Cross with the Star of the Order of Renaissance of Poland. The professor influenced the shape of physics in Katowice and the whole University as an academic, teacher, and organizer of an academic life.
ISBN: 9788322619322
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (WNŚiT)

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