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DC poleWartośćJęzyk
dc.contributor.authorBarłowska, Maria-
dc.description.abstractThe book entitled Ossoliñski, Moskorzowski, Sarbiewski funeral speeches. Texts in a dialogue consists of two parts. The first part is a rhetorical analysis of five funeral speeches the edition of which is presented in the second part. The speeches were selected in such a way that they would present two different dimensions of functioning ascribed to oratorical texts, and two ways they conduct these dialogues. Speeches made by Jerzy Ossoliñski and Andrzej Moskorzowski are connected with the same funeral celebration so they show the original roots of an oratorical text in given situations and its place in the sphere of orality. Additionally, the circumstances under investigation constitute the evidence of a Catholic-Arian polemics raised during the funeral of Stanis³aw Cikowski, a landlord from Cracow, in 1631. The speech made by Jerzy Ossoliñski during the funeral of Marcin Szyszkowski, a bishop from Cracow, is related to the two speeches by Stanis³aw Sarbiewski in terms of patterns and imitation. The dialogue of texts, moved totally into the sphere of writing, takes place, as the analysed examples show, on the basis of imitation, also used in the case of native oratorical texts. The edition of speeches taken from manuscripts presented in the second part constitutes the first attempt to use the method of recreating text tradition with oratorical texts. As a result of it, the author of the work suggests the archetype of the speech made by Ossoliñski during the funeral of Szyszkowski, and the evidence of speech in the critical apparatus when at a loss to build stemma in the case of the speeches from the funeral of Cikowski. The speeches by Sarbiewski are published from the autograph owned by Biblioteka XX Czartoryskich in Cracow.pl_PL
dc.publisherKatowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiegopl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjectMowy pogrzebowepl_PL
dc.titleOssoliński, Moskorzowski, Sarbiewski - mowy pogrzebowe : teksty w dialogupl_PL
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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