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dc.contributor.authorPastucha-Blin, Agnieszka-
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the work is to present the way of conceptualizing the notion of corpo umano (a human body) and cura del corpo (taking care of the body) in texts devoted to women’s health and beauty. The corpus being analysed contains persuasive texts deriving from the Italian Internet portals such as spaziodonna, donnamoderna, alfemminile, italiadonna, benesseredonna and Internet websites of the following periodicals: “Il Corriere della Sera”, “La Repubblica”, “Cosmopolitan”, “Marie Claire”, “Focus”, and “Panorama”. Chapter one presents the assumptions of cognitive linguistics, discussing thoroughly the issue of conceptualization based on a categorial organization of experience. Special attention was paid to metonymy (a mechanism creating semantic extensions within one domain based on adjacence) and metaphor (a process of copying from the input to the target domain based on similarities) that are the basis of the conceptualization of the notion of corpo umano in the very corpus. The analysis conducted was based on a cognitive conception of Lakoff and Johnson’s metaphor. The types of metaphors embodying our experience are reflected in a language use distinguished by the researchers were characterized. The process of conceptualization was presented in a wide communicative and genological context. Chapter two gave definitions and determinants of the text, as well as selected models of communication, taking into consideration a linguistic communication. In view of the source of the linguistic material, the work included descriptions of the communications models in the Internet. A lot of attention was paid to argumentative texts where the author presents his/her point of view and makes the receiver accept it. In so doing, he/she uses persuasive strategies such as constructing the source of the expression or axiologization. In this perspective, a discourse is not only a functional product, but is also treated as a phatic object and carrier of the value system, which proves its multidimensional nature. Further on, the work discusses the problem of manipulation, that is, an implicit persuasive communication being psychological in nature, and an axiological aspect of persuasive strategies. In subsequent chapters of the book, definitions and classifications mentioned in the analysis of the notion of corpo umano in a persuasive discourse were characterized. The subject of the studies presented in chapter three were metaphors used in a description of the body and actions taken when taking care of the body. As a result of the analysis of the linguistic determinants one could thoroughly analyse the conceptualization of a given notion. The analyses of metaphorical expressions conducted allowed for showing a part of the human body and its functions in the categories of a material, plant, building as well as an object of a religious cult. The measures aiming at obtaining a perfect look are understood as an armed conflict and a journey. Chapter four discussed the linguistic mechanisms used by the authors of persuasive texts in order to influence the receiver (through arousing emotions, influencing the receiver’s awareness, his/her imagination and reactions). Also, an attempt was made to characterize the linguistic actions aiming at influencing the receiver’s decision by means of imposing a particular vision of reality on him/her. Such actions include, without a doubt, creating the source of the expression. The analysis of linguistic expressions, being the trace of the author’s presence in a given linguistic material allowed for outlining a profile of a text sender. He/she wants to escape from being responsible for the information read, does not reveal him/herself at all, sometimes hides in a group or gives the floor to others, mainly experts. The sender seems to be a person having a rich experience, high competences and potential (in comparison to the receiver). Even though he/she tries to enter into a contact with the addresser, he/she does it in order to impress him/ her much more, and, in consequence, influence more. Sender’s dominance in a discourse also takes on the form of criticism towards defects of women’s body. The way the authors of persuasive texts describe female readers’ bodies creates an image of an imperfect receiver who (perceived through the prism of his/her physicality) is urged for a constant metamorphosis.pl_PL
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiegopl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjectcorpo umanopl_PL
dc.subjectjęzyk włoski stylistykapl_PL
dc.subjectciało ludzkie nazwaniapl_PL
dc.titleLa concettualizzazione del corpo umano nel discorso persuasivo rivolto al pubblico femminile : l'approccio cognitivopl_PL
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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