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Title: Pedagogiczne wyzwania wobec zmiany społecznej
Authors: Ecler-Nocoń, Beata
Frania, Monika
Kitlińska-Król, Małgorzata
Keywords: socjologia edukacji; zmiana społeczna
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstract: The book touches upon six different thematic areas concerning various spheres of a human being in reality. What is at issue is the world of the media, new contexts of the relationships between the representatives of both sexes, multiculturalism, energetic and biotechnological problems, as well as the ones connected with transformations within the scope of values. Each of the areas mentioned shows changes and their manifestations, as well as educational doubts being an implication of the changes in question. A common denominator when describing the areas is pointing to the multiplicity and complexity of the data construing them, and, in consequence, appearing solutions. What is important for a pedagogue, however, according to the authors, is the question on “how to support development”, meaning that the considerations terminate at reflection going in this direction. What is helpful in this reflection is questions included at the end of each chapter (It is worth thinking about) and literature hints (It is worth reading), as well as texts and contexts whose aim is an extra inspiration for deliberations. The book is addressed especially at pedagogy students — would be graduates of the education sciences. Its aim is not to present the main solutions in any subject-matter, but prepare pedagogues for thinking about various manifestations of a change. The publication is to be an inclination for further individual researches accompanied by a pedagogic responsibility of an educator in order to be free from accepting ready-made solutions.
ISBN: 9788322621547
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (WNS)

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