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dc.contributor.authorZalewska-Bujak, Małgorzata-
dc.description.abstractThe evolutionary rush of the world makes the reality in which a contemporary human being lives change constantly. Permanent changes also affect education as people still look for the appropriate direction of necessary transformations, allowing for the preparation of children and youth for the existence in the real world surrounding them. The teacher, recently often perceived as a planner and executor of his/her own and system- -implemented innovations and pedagogic transformations, plays an important role in the processes connected to educational modifications. After the reform of the education system in Poland in 1999, the teachers were assigned new roles, consisting in, above all, their conducting an academicresearch activity and following socio-political changes. The contemporary teacher is also obliged to a constant development of his/her knowledge and abilities in order to be a professional and expert in his/her profession, an initiator and designer of pedagogic innovations, a controller and corrector of his/her own work, development and self-improvement. It is also postulated that the teachers should improve the education model and acquire professional competences during their studies at the universities. Moreover, the teacher should develop and improve him/herself on his/her own way to betterment. Currently, it is emphasized that it is not only the teacher who is obliged to follow the civilization changes, but, above all, the school, which should constantly be improved and adjusted to changing life conditions. It should also systematically improve the plans, syllabuses, methods, tools and conditions of teaching. The very book is devoted to the situation of teachers in educational changes at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries in Poland. It is based not only on theoretical searches within this field, but also on the empirical research thoroughly analyzed and described therein.The evolutionary rush of the world makes the reality in which a contemporary human being lives change constantly. Permanent changes also affect education as people still look for the appropriate direction of necessary transformations, allowing for the preparation of children and youth for the existence in the real world surrounding them. The teacher, recently often perceived as a planner and executor of his/her own and system- -implemented innovations and pedagogic transformations, plays an important role in the processes connected to educational modifications. After the reform of the education system in Poland in 1999, the teachers were assigned new roles, consisting in, above all, their conducting an academicresearch activity and following socio-political changes. The contemporary teacher is also obliged to a constant development of his/her knowledge and abilities in order to be a professional and expert in his/her profession, an initiator and designer of pedagogic innovations, a controller and corrector of his/her own work, development and self-improvement. It is also postulated that the teachers should improve the education model and acquire professional competences during their studies at the universities. Moreover, the teacher should develop and improve him/herself on his/her own way to betterment. Currently, it is emphasized that it is not only the teacher who is obliged to follow the civilization changes, but, above all, the school, which should constantly be improved and adjusted to changing life conditions. It should also systematically improve the plans, syllabuses, methods, tools and conditions of teaching. The very book is devoted to the situation of teachers in educational changes at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries in Poland. It is based not only on theoretical searches within this field, but also on the empirical research thoroughly analyzed and described therein.pl_PL
dc.publisherKatowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiegopl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjectNauczyciele polscy po 1989 rokupl_PL
dc.subjectReforma oświatypl_PL
dc.titleUdział nauczycieli w przemianach edukacyjnych przełomu XX i XXI stulecia w Polscepl_PL
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Książki/rozdziały (WSiNoE)

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