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Title: Dziewiętnastowieczny obraz cieszyńskiego pogranicza w sferze imienniczej
Authors: Łuc, Izabela
Keywords: cieszyńskie pogranicze; Śląsk Cieszyński
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Citation: W. Korzeniowska, U. Szuścik, A. Murzyn (red.), "Przemiany kulturowo-oświatowe i społeczne na pograniczu : studia, materiały i szkice - w 100-lecie "Zarania Śląskiego"" (S. 148-159). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstract: The article briefly presents a 19th century image of Cieszyn borderline in the context of anthroponymy (the naming system). Analyzing the source material, the main research aim was to examine the relationship between the social, political, economic-administrative, ethnic-cultural and religious situation of Cieszyn in the 19th century and the name sphere, and, subsequently, explain the relevant and distinctive relations between these phenomena, taking into account social diversifications of name nominations (e.g. between Evangelists and Catholics; Poles, Germans, Czechs and Jews). The comparisons showed that names of the inhabitants of Cieszyn in the 19th century reflect a multi-dimension of social processes and multi-culturality of the borderline atthat time.
ISBN: 9788322618462
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (WSiNoE)

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