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dc.contributor.authorSławek, Tadeusz-
dc.description.abstractThe author analyses and Interprets space In a literary work, especially in poetry. The author is interested in literary examples to the extent that they constitute an expression of a certain outlook upon world and its ordering. Thus, poetry is treated as an element of the world structuring performed by the person who is experiencing the world. This is the reason why the author inoludes an extensive bibliography on history of painting. The first chapter constitutes a theoretical introduction and discusses the problems presented above. In the second chapter, the author tries to interpret baroque space which is characterized by a peculiar ethical marking, often expressed by means of a contrast between th6 interior and the facade. This contrast constitutes an architectual expression of fashion and morality opposition. The third chapter, "Desolation of a big store" deals with space implied by the modernistic poetry. The author draws the readers attention particularly to the analysis of the idea of emptiness and nothingness in the works of such leading modernists like Baudelaire and Carroll, and to the consequences concerning the structure of one's personality ensuing from this idea. The chapter comprises an introductory systematization of the kinds of modernistic* space, as for example, spaee-desertt ice desolation, mirror, c irc le (mandala). In the fourth chapte r , the author discusses the period o f surrealism influence,As the t i t l e o f the chapter "Plow and blooming" 8uggest3, two basic innovations in the formation and understanding of space are the fo l lo wing: treatment o f space as a flow o f energy devoid o f static forms but assuming accidental, dissoluble forms; constant process o f creation o f new interiors; rela tiv isa tion o f the division into interior and exterior which is characteristic fo r the structure o f world perception (thus perception is considered a basic problem in endowing the world with the form - according to R. K. Rillce especially).pl_PL
dc.publisherKatowice : Uniwersytet Śląskipl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjecttematy i motywypl_PL
dc.subjectprzestrzeń w literaturzepl_PL
dc.titleWnętrze : z problemów doświadczenia przestrzeni w poezjipl_PL
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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