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Title: Inspiracje Hume'owskie w etyce szkoły Brentanowskiej
Authors: Wieczorek, Krzysztof
Keywords: David Hume; Franz Brentano; etyka; szkola brentanowska; gilotyna Hume'a; skladniki dyskursu moralnego; pytanie o źródło powinności; subiektywny stan podmiotu; obiektywny stan rzeczy; redukcja napięcia; uczucia i akty woli; impresje refleksyjne; odniesienie afektywne; prawidłowo spełniony akt emocjonalno-wolitywny
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Instytut Filozofii Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Citation: Studia Philosophiae Christianae, 43 (2007) 2, s. 55-62
Abstract: The philosophy of David Hume was one of the most important inspirations for the majority of the Brentano School representatives. Their great engagement in the philosophical dialogue with Hume’s views ought to be reflected on the plane of ethical deliberations as well. Though this influence did not manifest itself expressis verbis, quite an explicit bias can be found in Brentano and his pupils’ ethics, the sources of which ought to be sought in Hume inspirations. It is expressed as a thesis, that the requirement of the reduction of tension between the subjective state of the subject and the objective state o f things is the source of moral obligation. The paper shows how this thesis can be derived from Hume’s concept and illustrates, with a number of examples, the way this belief functions, and its logical consequences in the Brentano School of ethics.
ISSN: 0585-5470
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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