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Title: Au nom de la chair : manger, regarder et lire a cru
Authors: Krzykawski, Michał
Keywords: Meat; Flesh; Body; Steak; Cannibalism; Omophagy; Blood; Blood drinker; Slaughterhouse; Heterogeneity; Cave
Issue Date: 2008
Citation: Romanica Silesiana, No. 3 (2008), s. 132-144
Abstract: The aim of th is paper is to elaborate on th e fluid border th a t exists in French between la chair (flesh) and la viande (meat) as well as between la chair (flesh) and le corps (body). This blurry distinction spurs us to analyze the impact of the discovery of paintings in the Lascaux cave on our perception of art as connected to the realm of spirit. The uncanny character of the Lascaux cave paintings, a homage paid to animality, as well as an aspiration to the sacred, is identical with an irruption of the heterogeneous in the text. it turns art and literature into a space of excessive communication, which originates in flesh.
ISSN: 1898-2433
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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