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Title: Muzyka środkiem i wartością w rozwijaniu wyobraźni twórczej młodzieży licealnej
Authors: Górniok-Naglik, Alina
Keywords: Wyobraźnia twórcza młodzieży; Wartości w muzyce
Issue Date: 2008
Citation: J. Uchyła-Zroski (red.), "Wartości w muzyce : studium monograficzne. T. 1" (s. 170-179). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstract: The present text displays music as a means stimulating creative imagination of young people, assuming that every contact with music is a school of imagination, makes it possible to create another reality and frees the creative courage of the receiver. The thesis is proved in the text by the analysis of the novels written by students while listening to music. The analyses in question suggest the agreement between the intersemiotic translation and a construction of a musical text. Moreover, the analysis reveals the richness of the young people’s fantasy and imagination who, in the texts, reveal the truth about themselves, when facing fate adversities, looking for the sense of humanity and human existence. It shows a person who does more than a simple recording of what he or she knows and thinks about the work under the influence of music. Some of the novels have an unquestionable aesthetic value. Although the music was a means of doing, its value was not ‘hidden’ for the young who have not only read it, but also translated it into the system of new aesthetic qualities. At the same time, music, as an educational method and value, appears as a weapon in the fight for the education ‘to imagination’ and ‘with imagination’.
ISBN: 9788322617564
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (WSiNoE)

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