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Tytuł: Media i geopolityki późnej nowoczesności. Naturalizacja i nostalgia jako horyzont wspólnot wyobrażonych
Autor: Banaszkiewicz, Karina
Słowa kluczowe: geopoetics of media; digital proxemics; imagined communities; virtual geographies; media space; reality/ virtuality
Data wydania: 2018
Źródło: Kultura Popularna, T. 3, nr 57 (2018), s. 61-70
Abstrakt: Contemporary media organize exchange by means of Internet, bridges, convergences, double addressing… The result is overproduction of hybrids with mixed weak ontology and inclusion of digital augments into living space. Implementation of technology makes people face a change and requires domestication of innovations and subsequent products of the language of mathematics. Adaptation is slower than the technological change. What counts is an actual range of transformations and cultural content. It is about proxemic schemes characteristic of numerical media and schemes according to which media space is perceived, presented, understood and created. Experiencing a place and recording human reactions to a digital place lead to geopoetics. Virtual geographies and patterns of home and route… repeated by media result in questions about imagined communities and content which is able to integrate them nowadays. Two strategies of being-in-the-world dominate in late modernity: naturalization and nostalgia. In the context of them people still live in the horizon of home and of encountering the others, and a global culture still remains a question of time.
DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0012.7290
ISSN: 1644-8340
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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