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Title: Robactwo : żywioł owadzi w polskim przekazie ludowym i jego współczesne artykulacje
Authors: Mrowiec, Magdalena
Advisor: Wężowicz-Ziółkowska, Dobrosława
Keywords: owady; memy; cyberkultura; folklor; netlor; językowo-kulturowy obraz świata; antropologia kognitywna; kultura ludowa; kultura popularna
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Katowice : Uniwersytet Śląski
Abstract: The main aim of the paper is to recreate a cognitive portrait of insects, which emerges from the preserved folk culture of the Polish lands, and then to check durability of folk images of insects in selected phenomena of popular culture. Applying the methodology of cognitive research on folklore there was reconstructed the world of insects preserved in the texts of such genres as folk fairy tales, parables, anecdotes, jokes, riddles, felicitations, but also in the preserved idioms, which in the vast majority were inherited by the Polish general language. Although insects often stayed on the outskirts of interest of carriers of folk culture, as a part of the world of nature, they were directly related to the daily struggle for survival of members of agricultural culture which undoubtedly was the old Polish traditional culture. At the same time, the folk category of "worms" was wider than the group of arthropods nowadays called "insects", and the users of folk culture projected various symbolic meanings on "worms" (e.g. demonic, harmful, devouring from the inside, deadly, devilish versus useful, valuable, hardworking, accelerating vegetation). In the second part, the methodological base was broadened, the category of folklore was supplemented by the phenomena of netlor, contemporary participatory culture together with the swarm of "prosumers", and the flagship genre of netlor: the Internet meme was defined in the perspective of its long existence. Material research was carried out which took into account the flagship genres of popular culture: Internet memes, youth fantasy literature (a derivative of a magical fairy tale) and popular films and animations. There was confirmed their continued imagination, idioms, insect evaluation and their projection on new phenomena of popular culture, especially digital culture. Although conditions have changed significantly since the times of traditional culture, insect's imago still provides a strong incentive for carriers of popular culture. The result is that the images of insects and their swarms are still generative. They are reflected in so many phenomena, such as texts illustrating the ambivalent status of technology, solutions used in robotics, business management technologies or functioning of a participatory culture.
Appears in Collections:Rozprawy doktorskie (W.Hum.)

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