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Title: Wczesna interwencja w jąkaniu wczesnodziecięcym w Polsce w opiniach logopedów i rodziców dzieci jąkających się
Authors: Węsierska, Katarzyna
Laszczyńska, Agata
Pakura, Monika
Keywords: stuttering/stammering; survey studies; speech-language therapists (SLTs); speech-language pathologists (SLPs; parents; early stuttering intervention
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Forum Logopedyczne, 2017, nr 25, s. 81-96
Abstract: The article presents the issue of early stuttering intervention in young children, with reference to the results of two surveys – among Polish speech therapists and parents of children who stutter (an international study). Examples of child stuttering interventions in Poland and the steps undertaken to modify speech therapy approaches in this area have also been presented.
ISSN: 1898-4096
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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