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Tytuł: Modification of Ti-6Al-4V alloy surface by EPD-PEO process in ZrSiO4 suspension
Tytuł równoległy: Modyfikacja powierzchni stopu Ti-6Al-4V metodą PEO-EPD w zawiesinie ZrSiO4
Autor: Krząkała, A.
Młyński, J.
Dercz, Grzegorz
Michalska, J.
Maciej, A.
Nieużyła, Ł.
Simka, W.
Słowa kluczowe: Ti-6Al-4V alloy; suspension; anodic oxidation; zirconium silicate
Data wydania: 2014
Źródło: Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, Vol. 59, iss. 1, (2014), s. 199-204
Abstrakt: Investigations on the surface modification of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy by plasma electrolytic oxidation are reported here. The oxidation process was carried out in a solution containing a zirconium silicate (ZrSiO4) suspension and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Anodising was realised at voltages in a range from 100 V to 250 V. It was found that the morphology of the sample surface did not change during the oxidation of the alloy at 100 V. Application of voltages higher than 100 V led to the incorporation of zirconium silicate into the formed oxide layer and to significant changes of the surface morphology.
DOI: 10.2478/amm-2014-0032
ISSN: 1733-3490
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (WNŚiT)

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