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Title: Kształty czasu : nauka – literatura – rzeczywistość : refleksja nad kwantową świadomością Soni Front
Authors: Jędrzejko, Paweł
Keywords: quantum mechanics; literary studies; quantum fiction; cultural practice; methodology; Sonia Front; proza kwantowa; nauki ścisłe; nauki humanistyczne; literatura; multiversum
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: "Er(r)go" (Nr 35, [z.] 2 (2017), s. 139-145)
Abstract: The article offers a reflection upon Sonia Front’s work oriented towards working out adequate intellectual instrumentarium to address quantum fiction: a phenomenon inspired by the philosophical ramifications of crucial developments in physics in the 20th and 21st centuries. Revolving around her recent monograph titled Shapes of Time in British Twenty-First Century Fiction (2015), the argument of the article aims at shedding light on how Sonia Front arrives at the postulate of a certain order countering chaos within a great hermeneutic circle: w wheel in motion, propelling the constant return from the quantum reality to the reality of discurse, a return in which the overwhelming General impacts the ungraspable Detail and the Detail decides about the shape of the General, the great hologram. Front does it in full awareness of the temporariness of such an order, but despite its transience, she decides to formulate an academic statement, to tell a „truth” about the world, time, and human experience: an experience that inescapably becomes her—and our—share. Presented in such a perspective, quantum consciousness, as postulated by Sonia Front, seems to offer a new promise for the research practice of contemporary scholarship.
ISSN: 1508-6305
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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