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Title: Zjawiska patologii społecznej w starej dzielnicy mieszkaniowej i ich kulturowe uwarunkowania
Authors: Świątkiewicz, Wojciech
Keywords: Górny Śląsk; socjologia miasta; dewiacje społeczne; uwarunkowania kulturowe
Issue Date: 1985
Publisher: Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Citation: J. Wódz (red.), "Normy społeczne, ład społeczny, patologia społeczna" (S. 41-69). Katowice : Uniwersytet Śląski
Abstract: Social pathology in its manifestations, causes and effects is interrelated with culture of a community. It makes an element of culture conceived in global and non-evaluating categories. The system of culture forms a basis to determine the standard of rules and normalities involving the psychosomatic and socio-cultural attributes of a man, and his behaviour and actions as well. Culture involves also the motivation for the self-evident rules and values, as well as the mechanisms of their internalization. The function of culture consists in the observance of the models actual to a community. Social pathology is understood by the author as a defection from the standard of the rules and normalities, involving social costs and harm. The examination covered the cultural conditioning of social pathology in an old housing-quarter treated in the categories of a socio-cultural environment. The axionormative system of the examined environment, characterized by the symptoms of intense pathology, was treated as a basis of an individual and group „autoconception”, which through the socialization-involving mechanisms, based mostly on experimantation and imitation, consolidates pathology and promote its expansiveness. This is intensified also by the old age of the quarter, understood in the sense of valorization of housing space and in the aspect of the diachronic stability of pathological behaviour in the environment under examination, manifesting through the events of the intergenerational transmition of pathology.
ISBN: 8322600666
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (WNS)

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