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Title: Piotr Skarga o więzach rodzinnych w kazaniach na pogrzebach polskich królowych
Authors: Piecuch, Małgorzata
Keywords: Kazania Piotra Skargi; Literatura funeralna
Issue Date: 2014
Citation: M. Jarczykowa, R. Ryba (red.), "W kręgu rodziny i prywatności" (S. 35-49). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Series/Report no.: Sarmackie Theatrum;7
Abstract: In the present study, an analysis of two funeral pieces of Piotr Skarga has been conducted — Kazanie na pogrzebie królowej polskiej Anny, ostatniego potomka domu Jagiełłowego and Kazanie na pogrzebie królowej polskiej Anny z Rakuz, żony Zygmunta Trzeciego, polskiego i szwedzkiego króla. The funeral encomia have been studied with the aim of finding the descriptions of family matters and facts from the lives and occupations of the Polish queens. It has been emphasised that Powęski obeyed most of the principles of creating funeral orations, established by Menandros, changing only some details and enriching his texts with arguments and topoi derived from the Holy Scripture. It has also been observed that the Jesuit had described the deceased queens as exemplary Catholics. Moreover, the fact that Anna from Rakuzy had been characterised as a perfect wife and mother, and Anna Jagiellonka as a powerful monarch, being the last descendant of the Jagiellonian family, has also been emphasised. The way Skarga presents the Polish queens and their relatives has been related to his need for realisation of the classical generic scheme, and to the fact that the Jesuit delivered his speeches both as a Chruch representative and as a royal preacher.
ISBN: 9788380122963
ISSN: 0208-6336
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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