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Title: Kultura intelektualna rzymskich konsulów w schyłkowym okresie Republiki
Authors: Aleksandrowicz, Tadeusz
Keywords: republika rzymska; konsulowie rzymscy; elita intelektualna; polityka; rządy; kultura
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstract: The prosopographic research allowed to present intellectual culture of ninety Roman consuls of the years 146 43 B.C. who constituted over 40 per cent of all the consuls in charge of more than half the number of consulates at that time. In the group of sixteen homines novi Cicero is truly a dominating figure as the most eminent intellectual among all the consuls. Yet when we discard evidently extreme attitudes of Cicero and Marius it is easy to notice that homines novi did not differ much from the average level of intellectual culture of the Roman consuls. Q. Pompeius, Fimbria, Caldus, Vatinius, Calenus, Trebonius and Hirtius were those outstanding homines novi who were really different from all the rest of the consuls in this respect. What is more, increase in intellectual formation in the subsequent generations of homines novi, who had both military talent and cultural activity, was clearly seen. Such a trend would also prevail immediately after the year 43 B.C., the proof of which are especially the consular careers of L. Munatius Plancus and C. Asinius Pollio. The collected prosopographic material shows that the level of intellectual culture of the group of thirteen consuls elected many times for the post, was also diversified. On one hand, the greatest personalities were Caesar and Scipio Aemilianus, while the other extreme was occupied by such characters as Marius, Cinna and Cn. Carbo. After discarding the extreme attitudes it may turn out that the average picture of intellectual culture of those multi-elected consuls was personified by Sulla, Pompeius, M. Crassus, Calvinus, Servilius Isauricus, Lepidus and young Octavianus. Among the remaining consuls of the years 146 43 B.C. especially well known for their high level of intellectual culture, who were neither homines novi nor multi-elected, were C. Laelius Sapiens, O. Lutatius Catulus, Lucullus, the three outstanding lawyers of the family of Mucii Scaevolae and Ser. Sulpicius Rufus as well as famous orators such as L. Crassus, Hortensius, C. Cotta and M. Marcellus. The general feature of intellectual culture of all the consuls in the years 146 43 B.C. is undoubtedly its systematic educational growth each consecutive generation of consuls was much better educated than their predecessors. Increasing influence of the Greek ideas on intellectual formation of the consuls became quite evident; the important role was also played by their direct personal contacts with representatives of the Greek and Roman intellectual milieux which most often assumed the form of cultural patronage. Thus intellectual culture of the consuls was characterised by Roman pragmatism and served directly or indirectly to exert power and influenced the way of ruling the state and the conquered people. The most brilliant consuls made great attempts at having their imperium maius based not only on vis but also on ratio. Intellectual culture of many consuls was most significantly expressed by their truly creative achievements. Moreover, both in case of consuls-intellectuals and the remaining ones, manifestation of their intellectual culture was their increasingly better educatio and growingly broader eruditio, which were rooted in mos maiorum and in Roman virtus and led from prudentia to sapientia and even further on from ratio to humanitas. This circle of values had its links with the Greek concepts and through them prolonged continuation of the Mediterranean culture and helped create foundation of the European civilization. Roman consuls had their fair share in this process in the times when the idea of Republican lihertas often overshadowed the concept of more and more commonly expected pax.
ISBN: 8322611676
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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