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Tytuł: Obraz historiografii rzymskiej w wykładach lozańskich Adama Mickiewicza
Autor: Aleksandrowicz, Tadeusz
Słowa kluczowe: Adam Mickiewicz; lozańskie wykłady Adama Mickiewicza
Data wydania: 2006
Wydawca: Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Źródło: A. Nawarecki, B. Mytych-Forajter (red.), "Wykłady lozańskie Adama Mickiewicza" (S 113-121). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstrakt: In his Lausanne lectures Adam Mickiewicz presented the selected problems of Latin literature, including the masterpieces written by ancient Roman historians, which was then consistent with the predominant opinions on literature. However, basing on Mickiewicz’s text and notes that have survived to the present day, as well as on the notes taken by one of the lectures participants, we can say that Roman historiography did not constitute the main issue of the lectures. Nevertheless, Mickiewicz had very original opinions on the subject, mainly on the philosophy of history, which had always been the poet’s interest. From the image of Roman philosophy of history presented in the Lausanne lectures we can conclude that Mickiewicz did not limited himself to his classical education but examined also some modem studies on the subject and got influenced by them.
ISBN: 8322614659
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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