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Title: Zastosowanie obrazowania termicznego w ocenie wydatku energetycznego sportowców
Authors: Kasprzyk, Teresa
Advisor: Cholewka, Armand
Keywords: fizyka medyczna; medycyna sportowa; odzież termoaktywna; wydolność fizyczna; sport; termografia; termoregulacja; trening - aspekt fizjologiczny
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Katowice : Uniwersytet Śląski
Abstract: Thermal imaging becoming more popular in medicine and also in sports. The technique may be helpful as an additional method in standard training protocol because of its non-invasive and safe properties. The aim of study was to perform the thermal analysis of endurance sportsman during training cycle and sports clothes temperature parameters evaluation. An attempt was made to evaluate the metabolic rate and thermoregulation mechanisms of athlete’s organisms based on obtained thermal parameters. The data was used also for temperature changes analyse in case of body efficiency rating and for the thermal comfort evaluation in the sports thermo-active clothing. Some dependences between training level and the body temperature stability were showed, which seems to confirm the thesis of adaptation processes in athlete’s body. Moreover, the obtained correlations between standard body’s efficiency and thermal parameters show high convergence and statistical significance, which may indicate the possibility of using thermal imaging as a training plan support method. The thermoactive clothes thermal analysis seems to be helpful for selection and evaluation the training wear, which will be adapted to training conditions and support the body thermoregulation natural mechanisms and overheating protection.
Appears in Collections:Rozprawy doktorskie (WNŚiT)

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