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Title: Książka w życiu ksieni Magdaleny Doroty Daniłowiczówny (ok. 1607-1687) i lwowskich benedyktynek
Authors: Gwioździk, Jolanta
Keywords: Magdalena Dorota Daniłowiczówna; Lwów; benedyktynki
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Citation: K. Heska-Kwaśniewicz (red.), "Z dziejów książek, bibliotek i czytelnictwa : varia" (S. 19-32). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Series/Report no.: Studia Bibliologiczne;t. 14
Abstract: In the years 1640—1687 Magdalena Dorota Danilowiczôwna was the fourth abatissa of the Benedictine nunnery in Lvov. She underwent there the formation in accordance with the reformed rule which underlined the intellectual basis of spiritual aspirations. The meticulously constructed and well supplied library in all the circumstances of life of the community served the purpose of achieving that aim. The text discusses M. D. Danilowiczowna’s contacts with books from her early education to noviciate, paying attention to her publishing activities and to the handwritten and printed works dedicated directly to her.
ISBN: 83-226-1146-3
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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