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Title: Le parti del corpo nelle espressioni fraseologiche e il loro legame con la terminologia medica: l’italiano e il polacco a confronto
Other Titles: The parts of the body in phraseological expressions and their link with medical terminology: a comparison between Italian and Polish
Authors: Marcol-Cacoń, Lucyna
Keywords: parts of body; medical terminology; phraseological expressions; translation
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: "Linguistica Silesiana" Vol. 40 (2019), s. 273-282
Abstract: Every part of the human body goes beyond the anatomy-physiology limits to reach deep contents and symbolic meanings.We can identify a range of verbs (which constitute a part of idiomatic expressions) that indicate different alterations of the body’s integrity. As for their fi gurative use, they serve to describe a mental state. The parts of the body linked to the sensory, motor and intellectual spheres tend to be accompanied by adjectives that are part of the terminology of the psychiatric past.We come to the conclusion that some medical terms (in this case the parts of the body) have entered into everyday speech and have assumed symbolic meanings. From the interlingual point of view, it is whereas possible to see considerable differ-ences between Italian and Polish. It follows that the linguistic picture of the world helps to understand the generally accepted statements in a certain community.
DOI: 10.24425/linsi.2019.129413
ISSN: 0208-4228
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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