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Title: Aspiracje życiowe młodzieży niedostosowanej społecznie
Authors: Syrek, Ewa
Keywords: Młodzież społecznie zaniedbana; Uczniowie szkół zawodowych; uczniowie; niedostosowanie
Issue Date: 1986
Publisher: Katowice : Uniwersytet Śląski
Abstract: Social practice justifies the need to carry on the investigation enabling to recognize the aspirations of the youth, as well as the regularities governing these aspirations. The results of the investigation may be useful in the educational practice, both when stimulating and developing the aspirations and when controlling them in accord with social needs and individual possibilities. The fundamental aim of the investigation was to determine the extent and type of the social misadaptation of the youth learning in technical schools of different types, and to compare the aspirations of the misadapted youth with those of the youth properly adapted. Moreover the author attempts to show some elements determining the formation of the categories of the aspirations selected for the study. The study concentrated on the two categories of the aspirations: education and the projected model of the family life. The fundamental technique of the investigations was diagnostic sounding. From among the entire population under examination (754 pupils) the misadapted persons made 15 per cent. The investigation showed that the examined pupils of technical schools displayed low education-involving aspirations, and the aspirations of the misadapted youth were decidedly more limited than those of the normally adapted youth. The youth with low educational aspirations descend in the main from the workes and peasant class. Their parents acquired the low level of education (mainly on the level of the elementary and technical school). The motivation for the choice of profession, social and territorial origin, level of the education attained by the parents — these are the factors that differentiate the educational aspirations of the examined youth. The aspirations of the misadapted and adapted youth are similar and their directions involving the model of the projected family are consistent with the transformational trends of the contemporary Polish family, mentioned by the literature of the subject.
ISBN: 83-226-0063-1
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (WNS)

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