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Title: "Majka Jeżowska odpada, Feel wysiada..." - o zacieraniu granic między kulturą popularną i tzw. wysoką (na przykładzie nazw własnych w "Balladach i romansach" Ignacego Karpowicza)
Authors: Kiszka, Beata
Keywords: the latest Polish prose and its language; mass culture; proper names; literary onomastics; style; Ignacy Karpowicz; nazwy własne; kultura masowa; styl; onomastyka literacka
Issue Date: 2014
Citation: "Język Artystyczny" T. 15 (2014), s. 159-169
Abstract: The article discusses the presence of mass culture, and especially of proper names derived from it, in the latest Polish prose. A special attention has been paid to the function of propria, whereas an analysis of numerous fragments of Ignacy Karpowicz’s novel — Balladyny i romanse — served to answer the question about the place of popular culture in literature. Furthermore, the idea of literary “remix” of formatives, which regards their creative alteration, and which results in the revitalisation of proper names by providing them with new meaning, has been proposed.
ISSN: 0209-3731
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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