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Title: Wykorzystanie wyników opracowań statystycznych w pracy nauczyciela na przykładzie egzaminów gimnazjalnych i próbnych matur
Authors: Widła, Halina
Keywords: education reform; teachers; junior high school exams; matura exam
Issue Date: 2003
Citation: Neofilolog, Nr 23, (2003) s. 88-94
Abstract: The issue centres on the so-called didactic measurement, its principles, utility, place and application at the time of the present education reform. The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to two crucial aspects of the problem referred to in the title: the practical and the research ones. Theoretically, they are both addressed to two different bodies, yet in reality, as many teachers take up doctoral studies and many academic workers teach in schools, they are addressed twice to the same recipients.
ISSN: 2545-3971
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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