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Title: Trauma porządku symbolicznego w "Palisandrii" Saszy Sokołowa
Authors: Łaniewski, Paweł
Keywords: Palisandriya; Sasha Sokolov
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Przegląd Rusycystyczny, 2017, z. 3, s. 49-70
Abstract: The article considers the way of perception and deconstruction of the symbolic order in the novel Palisandriya by Sasha Sokolov. The writer pays special attention to the concepts of poststructural philosophy, in particular the issue of the textualization of culture. The Symbolic becomes in his works one of the factors that suppresses personality and deforms the Real Order. Palisandriya is an example of postmodern prose. The novel concentrates on various phenomena of cultural and social life. It also presents mental condition of the Soviet Union citizens. A schizoanalytical study of the individual is an important part of the work, allowing to determine the state of the separate individual and the whole society.
ISSN: 0137-298X
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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