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Title: Nazistowska zbrodnia totalna - o antropologiczno-pedagogicznych aspektach eksterminacji, rabunku, zawłaszczania i zniemczania polskich dzieci : (w przedpolu badań biograficznych)
Other Titles: Nazi Total Crime – about the Anthropological and Pedagogical Aspects of the Extermination, Robbery, Appropriation and Germanization of Polish Children. (In the Foreground of Biographical Research)
Authors: Rembierz, Marek
Keywords: children; extermination; The Second World War; biographical research
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Biografistyka Pedagogiczna, T. 5, nr 1 (2020) s. 13-49
Abstract: Nazi acts of extermination against a Polish child were carried out with premeditation in many systemically complementary forms. It was an ideologically sanctioned and pragmatically implemented ‘all-round’ crime: infl icting physical, spiritual and moral death on a massive scale. The more detail information about the anthropological, pedagogical and biographical aspects of the extermination, robbery and Germanization of Polish children are obtained, the more doubts and disturbing questions about what – and why – it happened.
DOI: 10.36578/bp.2020.05.01
ISSN: 2543-6112
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WSiNoE)

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